29th september 2022
[ Over a year ago now I had an idea, the first actual idea I'd had in years, and I've been trying that central idea in a bunch of different constructions. This is the start of version five, which I've been working on for a week or so. I don't intend to serially publish the entire thing, mostly because I have no idea whether I'll get more than 10k words in before coming up with a better setup, but I'm feeling good about this at the moment so here it is. ] It was cold, colder than I'd been prepared for, but I stepped determinedly away from my front door. This was the closest I'd been to the walk I desperately needed in days, and if I went back inside for another layer I knew I wouldn't come out again. I huddled inside my insubstantial jacket as best as I could, already imagining the hot chocolate I'd decided I would have as a reward. "It doesn't have to be far," I said aloud, watching the words steam into nothingness against the biti...